The back stairs took a ton of cutting and even some math, but they're done. I think there are 16 stringers we had to cut. That's a real pain. In hindsight we should have looked to see if there's anywhere that can custom cut them for you in bulk. I was pretty accurate in the end, but that was almost 2 days of cutting stringers. And tons of nailing. Originally the stairs were going to flare out on the one end, but I nixed that idea when I made a mistake and kept messing up the angle. The Trex is only 16 ft long and it would have required a bunch of butt joined boards. So the executive decision was made for straight stairs. Done!
We also finished the master bath tile. Next up is grout and the shower tile. Should be finished with that bathroom by winter!
We also finished the master bath tile. Next up is grout and the shower tile. Should be finished with that bathroom by winter!