

Monday, February 16, 2015

Slow going

We're still here and construction is oh so slowly moving along!  We've had a few changes and disruptions along the way, including shutting down for a week while we took a much needed vacation last month.  Given that we are living onsite, it just seemed a bit too risky to have construction continue while we weren't here to keep an eye on everything so we boarded up while we were away.  Then we had a little more delay while we worked our plan revisions through the permit process again.  There weren't too many big changes but we did have make some small structural and layout adjustments now that we're seeing how the space actually looks and feels, and we revised the front wall to take down the old stone/brick, which we had originally planned to keep.  The contractors have been hard at work when they can but the winter weather is not being very cooperative - and we've declared a hold again as bitter cold (and possibly snow) pass through this week and next.  Fortunately, we're in the middle of February now so at some point, it surely must start warming up!  In the meantime, the house is well closed up at least.  Many windows are in and the rest are boarded up so we are no longer exposed to the elements.  And that, at least, is an improvement!

Starting to look like a house again!

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